Thursday, November 13, 2014

Celebration of Stillness & Broken Pieces Renewed

Before I left for Haiti I had a season of stillness.
That included very little to do and lots of processing on my couch.

Wondering what is to come and how to prepare?
Knowing we never truly can be ready but rather need to stand tall in the spirit.

I remember feeling shame for sitting on my couch day after day feeling so unproductive.
Feeling useless and just ready to move onto what God had for me, where God had me; Haiti.

Then I was sent into the mission.
*Like a whirlwind*
He stretched me in ways I wasn't sure I was capable of stretching.
He grew me in areas I wasn't anticipating growth.
I danced in the storms and cried over this world being utterly broken.
There was trial in places I hadn't ever been tested.
I fought for what I believed in and the convictions he gave me.
There were broken pieces floating around my heart just surviving day to day.
Then suddenly a year has past and I just stand amazed

Those broken pieces...
They are still there, the broken shards of my heart attacking even simple daily functioning. That's what you aren't ready for when you go on mission; the recoil and the picking up of all that was thrown about in your life, but I'm going to tell you a secret; it's worth all the pain. Floating around waiting to be redeemed and repaired by the ONE being that can do such work. A savior who desires to pick up the broken pieces and put them back together for our good and his Glory. He is a compassionate savior who knows the deepest darkest parts of us and isn't scared away because he made us that way. He is faithful in the recovery and repairing because he knows what broke us to begin with and he know the one thing that can heal us: HIMSELF.

"Even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed" 1 peter 3:14

I'm back on the couch. This time it's not even mine.
This time in freedom. To rest and remember.

To sit in stillness before a God who chose to surrender his own son for my sake.
To be humbled by circumstances enough to trust he has a greater plan.

Although I have battled condemnation from the enemy for being in the season I'm in...
I know I have a father willing to pick up the pieces and lovingly repair what is broken.

Let no one tell you what season you should be in... let not culture, nor age, nor any other factor determine where you are to be... because if we can trust in stillness he will repair, then it's enough. It's enough to be right where we are in him, in freedom. It's enough for our souls to be simply satisfied in him alone.
You are enough. 

There is a funny thing about value that the devil want's us to hide under fear; fear we aren't worth it. He wants us to believe our failures and flesh make for uselessness. If it's one thing I've learned from believing that lie for far too long it's that for every lie we embed...deeper goes the truth. Over and over this year I felt as if I had little value. Nothing to give, it was never enough. I lived in this defeated state of mind but as I look back on my story I can see it. Etched into every memory and every doubt the gem of hope. The truth that tells: YOU ARE VALUE. Why? Because he came for me. He bled and died because he valued our lives over his. He rose and was seated at the right hand of God because there was enough good in him that he chose to value you all the more. Even in our sin. He valued us then. You, dear child are VALUED. Never forget it.

It's funny how we find healing;

Sometimes it's a conversation with a stranger in your foreign tongue and it feels like your old friends reminding you about all the failed conversations a year ago and how he enabled you to learn far more than you would have ever believed.

Sometimes it's admitting you are broken to your boyfriend, and instead of judgement he looks at you with the most compassion in his eyes and says: "but we are all broken." Yes, yes we are.

Sometimes it's a song that comes on at all the right times, and the dancing that comes with it.

Sometimes it's a silent prayer and the tears that flow from it in your car... the one Jesus gave to you out of faithfulness and his favor.

Many times it's talking with sisters in Christ and realizing this life is far too hard to do it alone and you thank Jesus for each other... laughing, crying, and all the dramatic and beautiful moments you share.

A lot of times it's scripture washing over wounds like the ocean; cleaning out the gunk and feeling the sting of the salt but becoming purified in the process...renewed by the washing.

So when he calls you to wait, wait in him. Wait in stillness for the truth and promise he brings with him...because without it we are caught up in our own tangle of lies we chose to believe. We could even slowly slip into believing this season is useless, and we would be mistaken. Because the recovery of the crop is necessary for the new harvest to take form. The resting of the soil enables good fruit to grow. The sitting on a couch enables healing in freedom to flow. So when we are in weird seasons remember that he brings us THROUGH the desert land to the PROMISE land. There is a promise, and the promise is healing, redemption, and new life! 

If nothing else, that's what I am praising God for today. HEALING, REDEMPTION, NEW LIFE.
Won't you join me in the celebration? In the stillness we will celebrate his work!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

24- Hope

Tonight, on the eve of my 24th Birthday the Lord lead me to reflect on this past year.

I remember sitting in my bunk bed in Haiti this exact evening late into the wee hours of the morning doing just this last year. Crying out to the Lord and thanking him for his faithfulness in my life. Thanking him that he had brought me to a place where all things were stripped away from the very clutter filled lives we live in America. Zoomed in on his work, his hands, and his feet becoming those in action. Capturing moments of his grace in every pain, and his joy even from our sorrows. Focusing deeply upon the Hope at which rests at his feet.

Hope in Christ ALONE. nothing else.

Not in Jobs {Just in Christ}
Not in Money {Just in Christ}
Not in Beauty {Just in Christ}
Not in Fame {Just in Christ}
Not in Pride {Just in Christ}
Not in People {Just in Christ}
Not in (dare i say it) Art {Just in Christ}

As I reflect on those revelations I had at this exact time last year I nearly had a breakdown at the perpetual quicksand like motion at witch I have been moving in the states. I realized how one by one those things had been trying to invade where my hope lies just a month home. The expectations I placed on myself were unrealistic and in a lot of ways worldly in order to "look, move, act, be"  like everyone else in "my stage(whatever that is) in" this life. I couldn't put my finger on the pressure I felt- even when "no one" was forcing me, culture was. Expectations for a 24 year old here look different than my life in Haiti, and having lived in a 3rd world country for an extended period of time does not fit into those expectations. I wanted to hide. Go back to life in America but not face the culture that is in America- Impossible.

It was frightening to realize how quickly we conform again to the patterns of our worlds. My world had been simplicity and difficulty mixed into little comfort with a lot of love, all of a sudden it's a shifting burden of worldliness smack dab in my face. Coming back into a culture where we are told our Jobs define us --I don't have one. Those Jobs afford us leisure our money can buy-- that I have in limited supply as well. Beauty in high fashion and making yourself to be "pulled together" screams "CULTURE SHOCK" for me. I was alarmingly so caught off guard by that in the airport; not even on american soil for an hour looking in the mirror suddenly feeling my face naked next to the layers piled on the next girl. After a year of wearing only Nike shorts and tee shirts I didn't exactly remember how to coordinate so I realize my outfit was certainly not "cute" and I'm pretty sure I saw more self assured middle schoolers than I was in that moment. I wanted to jump into a Jcrew magazine and hide for a few days remembering what it was like to feel pretty.


They are all lies.

There is only ONE TRUE HOPE.

Christ ALONE.

It seams I am still stripped of  many of these ideals now, but as I immerse more and more back in my own culture it's inevitable changes will take place. I will (eventually?!) get a job that likely will pay money that likely turns into caring or at least being somewhat concerned about how presentable I am. In and of themselves these are not bad things I simply cannot put my hope in them, especially as I don't have them when the world says I "need" them. I have more hope than my circumstances because I have Christ, he is all in all. I remember that all these things are fleeting and offer us little of that zoomed in reality of Christ. This is why the devil uses those lies to hope in anything but Jesus. He wants us to loose sight of Christ altogether by jobs and money and clothes, and sadly we can. America, we have.

As I walk into my 24th year, jobless nearly penniless and with little idea of what this year holds all I can do is remember my Hope is in Christ alone. Our circumstances don't make hopeful people, we become hopeful people when we hope in Christ and not in this world.

As I remember the truths the Lord has pressed so deeply in my heart in my 23rd year I rest in his faithfulness for 24, for he alone is my hope.

"The Lord directs the steps of the Godly, he delights in every detail of their lives." Psalm 37:23

Friday, July 18, 2014

\\5 Days//

I fly home in 5 days. five\\5.

The reality of going home has all gotten a lot more real. I woke up anxious that I may have missed saying goodbye to the team of sweet recent high school grads and their counselors I so dearly loved. I open my door that looked onto the street still with sleep in my eyes and saw them all ready to go. I yelled DON'T LEAVE threw on clothes and ran downstairs to embrace these sweet girls. The last 10 days have been challenging for me, knowing with every passing day and milestone of their trip my time here was soon coming to an end. Early on they found out about my going home. Since these girls were in transition from high school to college or even sweet Hannah who is moving to South Africa they understood my feelings of transition well, they were living it too. They were gracious and understanding, two things I very much needed the last weeks I spend in Haiti. As I hugged each of them and told them all they are incredible they were off. So was I. I know I was not on their van driving to the airport but in an instant I was reliving two years ago when I had to ride two hours to Port-Au-Prince just to get on a plane teary eyed praying Lord, I don't understand.

I don't understand this time either -- in 5 short days I will be that same teary eyed girl walking up to the American Airlines counter looking like a fool. Oh how my heart wants to fight back so much saying "that's it I'm done with this life" when I know that's a lie and I'm not okay, I'm not done. The devil has tried to fill my thoughts with reasons why I should be "done" in many different forms this week. One came in the form of a teenage boy who as I greeted him coming down the mountain he called me ugly as if he just said the sky was blue or the grass green. Hardness of heart encamped around my sensitive spirit and I had a moment of  "Maybe I should be done with Haiti altogether- just forget it." Then I was suddenly enraged at that very thought. I cannot simply be DONE here. I know I go home in less than a week, but being done it putting something behind you and I cannot and will not ever put Haiti behind me.

Living here I have learned more than my share of lessons that the devil would like for me to throw out the instant I hit American soil. That won't be so, I won't lose the sensitivity to his spirit nor the compassion for other and a resolve to serve even when it's difficult. I won't lose the joy and love that many have poured into me this year with their smiles and encouragement, I won't lose the grace that others gave me as I was learning a new language or simply learning in general. Those things are to be taken though my life with me and I won't let the devil tell me otherwise.

There has been a fight in my head lately about why I was going home. My heart said NO, YOU CAN'T and my spirit said, but you must. Once again I am feeling like I am being ripped from the very place he called me and settled my heart here. How can it be God's will to have me leave I wonder many times. I have prayed repeatedly for the Lord to be CLEAR if he wanted me to stay in Haiti beyond my initial year mark. You want to know what he said. NOTHING.

Lots of confusion has swirled around my mind as I tried to make sense of that. Jesus called me from my home, comforts, and will into his grace and love here in Haiti but he does not have me hear longer. At least not now... Not this season. I am aware that his seasons are simply for our Good. I could use some time to process and spend time talking to individuals that encourage me into God's will at all times. However this season is probably the most difficult for me transitionally because that suddenly means no Haiti.

No more chickens, pigs or cows waking me up in the morning. No Saturday feeding where my heart is blessed knowing children are consuming both spiritual and physical food. No more little voices calling my name from the mountain so very far away that I need to look around to even begin to orient the direction the voice came. No more greeting the women in the kitchen, loving on them and telling them I appreciate them as they shove a plate of food in my face and are so happy to share. No more late nights on the porch looking at the stars in the heat thinking, how is this real? No more dancing with little ones on Fridays and allowing the expression of Joy be released from their bodies as we giddily prance around the church. No more kinder babies running up to me jumping in my arms and feeling safe as I am filled with glee at every sweet ounce of Love received as I embrace them. No more.

No more? How can this be so.
I am simply holding fast to my faithful and true Heavenly Father for I know he has a will and a plan even if I don't know that plan. He is alone the one who gave me the sounds of waking up, the chorus of animals chirping or mooing. He gave me the pleasure of being blessed on Saturdays at the feeding. He also called my name when those children from so far away were compelled to yell it at the top of their lungs, he was on the tip of their tongue. He also cooked with my ladies and danced with my girls and hugged all my kinder babies. He was in all those things and he will ever be in all things. I will see it- I will look and find him in the transition. His hints of grace and echoes of love in each thing. Even if those things I am not yet familiar with just yet, even if it's hard. I know he is there in the hard transition from grace in Haiti to grace in America. His grace stands. He is good. He will always be.

Please join me in prayer as I transition. For grace and for the individuals who will be around me in my meltdowns that will inevitably be brought on by what is simple in the states yet so hard or unfamiliar here. Where even a simple trip to the store might send me into a spiral of emotions. It's a transition that I never truly want to recover from because I know I am never done with Haiti. Haiti is always with me and I am so grateful for that. I will never recover from a country that has allowed the Lord to lavishly fill me with grace, love, hope, joy, peace and much more. Life here was hard, it was not anything like home, it took adjusting but I welcomed the change because despite my momentary discomfort I understood it would produce fruit . Pray that I welcome this change back "home" just the same as I trust Jesus has a plan. Pray for his will and discernment to lead me onto the next chapter or for a season of stillness to fill my heart in ways that only his power at work can do.

 Oh how I am grateful I was chosen to venture with Jesus to the unknown. I pray I am grateful to once again follow his leading and see what excellent things are in store. May Christ always receive the Glory, may he be illuminated in not only my time here but my transition back home as well. Let him be seen. Let him be Glorified, always.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Allegory: Waterfalls

Close your eyes with me. Imagine yourself in a quaint little cabin on a large piece of land. You are distracted by something that at the moment seamed like the world- but as you look back now you cannot remember what it was you were doing and mostly why it was so important. You are sitting and it is still outside. The children have been fighting with their heavy eyelids fighting to stay open but alas, they fall into slumber. You are anxious but you don't know about what. It's a matter that will affect many people around you, many you care about and you feel a pressure to do something but you simply don't know what that something is, or even simply the next step to get to that something. Fear covers you like a blanket and you shutter. About the time you feel a loss of hope for the future, you hear it. The faint rush of something outside. It's small and still but it is there you are sure of it. You stand up and look out the window and that action alone sends anxiety coursing though your veins. You look back at your sleeping family and take a deep breath. The kind where you half breath half hold your breath. Suddenly you hear the sound again this time stronger and something inside says "find it, seek it out. watch and see what will happen."  You try to shake off the feeling but it overwhelms you so you give in. You step outside the cabin and start walking in the direction of the melodious beautiful sound that you can't quite make out now but you are sure it's attainable.

You walk toward the pitter patter that is out of reach you walk faster as you hear the rushing surges of water at each step you look forward with familiar anticipation of the ultimate refreshment even though you have never been to this part of the woods. You can't describe it but somehow the things you were anxious over melt away, your wandering heart become set on this one goal: reaching that beautiful sound and finding complete refreshment forever. You don't necessarily know what that looks like but somewhere along the way in your path to search out this sound you run into a man. 

He is kind, he says he can help you find your way as you seam to be in a hurry and the fall of dawn was upon you. You are fearful at first because you remember what has been said about strangers- especially strangers in the wilderness. However something in your spirit  is calmed in his presence and you are thankful he could lead you as you soon become weary from your venture. He calmly reminds you that just up ahead the wellspring is there. Its rushing water- that is the sound you have been hearing and you are even more determined to get there now that you know you could drink there... you will not waver nor turn back. You desire rest for your feet for you feel you have been walking for days, months, years maybe. You look up to the man beside you and he looks strong, able to easily carry you. When there is no more steps that you can physically take you ask the gentle man to take you into his arms to complete the journey and reach the water at last. He without hesitations mounts you upon his back and says some words that seam familiar but you can't place them He says confidently " Those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."  You repeat them back to yourself as if they were once an old children's story you were fond of as you are being carried and are so relaxed you nearly fall asleep. 

Then you see it- up ahead there is a large mountain, bigger than you have ever seen. There falling off the precipice is the gushing gurgling most beautiful sight and sound of a magnificent waterfall. It seams too good to be true. You are nearly blinded by the light that is reflecting off each pass of water surge brought into a deep pool where  you rush to submerge your body. The refreshing cool covers your body and you take a large drink and it seams to quench every thirst you have ever had. You oddly remember this feeling as if it were a dream, one you may have had many, many years ago when a child.

You swim over to sit under the waterfall and you feel it suddenly envelop you-- Amazing Grace. This is the sound. This is it. All I've ever needed right here in the submission of the water to the pull of gravity carrying the splashes of water across the edges as if it's dancing just for you. And there He is, the man who guided us here holding those things in his hands. You don't quite know what to do as you watch his hands motion like a beautiful conductor- he gestures to the waves and whispers to the splashes. The bubbling of the wellspring below you warms your body in the most relaxing way. The gravity pulling each stream of water down, down, down into the pool screams of obedience they have to this man.  You suddenly burst into song, but you realize this song isn't to the cliff in which the water rushes down nor for the water that dances or the chorus it makes as it splashes all around you- it's for the maker alone.

You shout as loudly as you can " HE IS GOD, HE IS GOOD. STAND HERE- UNDER THIS WATERFALL-SEE GRACE LIKE NEVER BEFORE" as your breath breaks you mix your own tears in with the water and realize that all along that sound, the callings, the journey, even the neediness of being carried here was all for his praise. It's in his grace alone that you turned to follow the sound of Grace calling you no matter how faint the sound was and ran for the waterfall. Then when you where weary and could not go on the dark night of the soul enveloping you in ways you would rather not speak of as to bring you down, that was worth it too. The challenge in the journey and the fatigue is mixed with the emotion as Joy overflows. If we only were to look at the turmoil that is caused by the journey to finding the waters edge we would miss the grace in which it envelops. We would miss it altogether and the whole journey would be in vain. Only grace, by that man only Jesus Christ could possibly lead us to the abundant outpouring of his love, mercy, kindness, and favor. He desires for us all to run for this waterfall of his outpouring of perfect grace.

It does not end here.

Then just when you are filled with this complete peace and knowledge of what the waterfall means and how great the refreshment and fullness of a gift and blessing it is suddenly it stops flowing and you do not see the man. You are alone in the wilderness. "How can this be" you think? "How can the flow of grace streaming from above cease to cover me?" Was this just a dream and did I really with complete certainty experience this life changing refreshment and have I really been changed from it? How can the man that lead me here suddenly be gone without my seeing it at all. How can that be good? What is good again? You are forced to walk home only you can't find the way, you think it's this way, then that way and then you simply walk in circles.  You don't understand why such goodness could not last, why on earth could you experience complete and full feeling and now everything is simply grey.

Slowly or rather fast  depending on your perception of the time the memory of water makes you angry. Finally, you walk back to the place that you were when you first heard the rush of water faintly in the distance and sit. You sit in your anger and you let it rise within you, as if the waterfall owed you it's constant flow; you remember it so clearly but somehow it's lost its refreshment for your soul. You can't cling to what you don't know and you already sacrificed so much to find it - because when you left in search for the sound you left behind a mess and the memory comes back of what once was so important and built anxiety in your heart.

We all have to survive through the winter and thus you place the waterfall in the back of your mind as you bitterly go about your days of labor without even a sip from the spring. You cant even take a small break for the fear that you won't make it and since the water isn't anywhere to be found you build a big wall around your heart ever hearing of that following sound again. You loath even having to take a sip of tepid water in the fields as you remember flowing water from above and you glance at the birds in the air as they freely dance and eat and drink without a worry. You think, why can't it be that simple? Doesn't he care for me? ((YES, CHILD!)) The brink of desperation sets in and the crop is failing- winter will be longer than you can provide for and suddenly your crying out for ANYTHING. You think the man who lead you to the waterfall has abandoned you and even in your time of need he won't come so why bother to ask him for help, so you don't. A little ounce of you wishes he would come to save you even without asking just to prove you wrong but mostly because you need to live and eat and function.

Then you hear again the faint trickle of water and your heart skips a beat- you don't quite know what to do. Leaving now and running to the water would only put you farther behind in your important  work to stay alive and for what? For the water to dry up and care little to continue flowing for your livelihood. You are distraught as you remember the wonderful refreshment that is the crystal clear waters jumping off the cliff as if it was their soul joy in life to do so. That thought now pains your heart and you aren't able to hear the sound any longer. Just as you want you push out the sound and dig deeper your own grave.

The man comes to your house so that you might be lead back to this place, but in your stubbornness  when you see him coming and he kindly greets you with a wave: you turn and run to close the door and lock it. The man gently knocks, you claim that you are far too busy to go on some hike to see a waterfall and even if you were not busy you certainly where not going with him after all he has done to not make you prosper and "left you alone."The man knocks again on the door and slowly says "I never left you nor have I forsaken you, and I never will." You toss the words about in your head and they begin to soothe your soul but the calluses on your heart need more wearing down in order to open the door. He reminds you "while you were away and anxious, I was preparing a place for you." You still don't believe him but wish you could then he begins again. "I have knit you together in your mothers womb I know your innermost being." "Maybe that is why he is being so patient with me" you think but still something pings in your mind to stay and work not to follow this man. You are caught between your burdens and your desires.  You remind yourself where your desires lead you last time... up the river and with a long hike back home to the tasks you have neglected.

Then you hear a faint whisper though the door "come follow me" you feel like yelling now because you are so conflicted but you stomp your foot and clench your fists instead. You don't want to let go of the wrong that has been done to you by submitting to that voice again. After all when you got back from that lovely journey you weren't able to plant anything in the field because it was past the season for planting, so you were behind all your neighbors. You finally planted everything but had to battle to remember that rainy season was over so you hoped it would rain but it never came- you were simply late. Your crops shriveled and died around the time everyone was harvesting. You have no way of providing for your family. You are mad,  and say to the man at the door "If only I hadn't gotten so distracted, I would be fine... I wouldn't have to scramble." That's when the man at the door says, " no matter your effort, this crop was going to fail ... but it's not because I am not good, follow me and see." At this point you are so exhausted from fighting and hurting and you are realizing that you simply won't be able to make it past this winter either way so you step toward the door. Once step, then two and you stop.

You stop and instantly remember that surge of grace falling on you in the waterfall of his hands. How? Because he is good after all you suppose even with hurt in your heart you somehow can feel his goodness.

You take another step and open the door. He isn't mad because he had to wait for so long, or because you were defiant in following him...he knows the flood of grace covers that too. He simply invites you to follow him and so in the quiet of your heart you say "yes" even though so much of your brain and flesh says "no." He starts you off at a slow pace just like before, then a faster walk, then just as you thought you were there you take an unexpected turn. You look at him inquisitively. He simply continues you down that path farther and farther away from the waterfall. He places you under a cider tree and calls you to rest in his hands.  You don't question him as you are very tired from the journey so you fall into a slumber in mere seconds. While you were sleeping the man leaves. You wake panicked, How can this be? He called me once, left me dry...came and called me again and now he is nowhere in sight. "I know I should have stayed" you think. Then you hear a voice, you can't fully understand from where but it simply said "follow the sound" and instantly you remember that gurgling joyful splashing from the mountain top into the pool of grace once again.

You look up with determination as you know your mission. You listen carefully and somewhere far in the distance you hear the sound again. It very well could have been there the whole time but you were so set on not hearing you simply couldn't make it out. You rise to your feet and start walking. The closer you get your pace quickens. Your face turns from mournful to joyful, you simply cant help but smile nearly laughing. You run full speed when you see the man again, standing at waters edge. He greets you with open arms and lifts the water to your parched lips. You nearly knock him down with excitement and he isn't ashamed of your near undignified praise at his feet. You thank him for his small voice that lead you to him. He says "well done good and faithful servant." You ponder that statement and recall how little faith and goodness you were being, but then you suddenly are enveloped by the waterfall again and remember the glory of which they speak of him. You remember he pour of Grace... this is why he calls me good and faithful, because of his grace. You are even more joyous than before and you didn't think that was possible. In the mist of the water pouring over you in perfect Grace you turn to the man, fix your eyes on his face and ask " when will this run dry, and what am I to do with my fields and for the winter."

He catches your words like the pools catch the graceful fall of water from the tops of the mountain and he tells you "Child, I simply moved the flowing water for what is best for you, for the greater joy of your soul. I needed for your fields to fail so that you would follow me and move to where the waters surge again. If ever the water is to cease falling the waterfall is awaiting you in a new place, but trust me it never runs dry." You look to him confused. You ask, "How could you let me walk away from the waterfall before?"  He replies, " Dear child I was there pointing you in the direction but you looked up with such anger at the water's end you simply could not see me. I came to lead you back, so that you may receive what is abundant life but you must understand my ways are not your ways." You slowly are awakened to the reality of the Kingdom of God and the treasures being stored up in heaven. With every move to a new waterfall of grace, no matter how difficult, even if it costs much it's worth the eternal treasure. The blessings flow and the grace of the splashing waters surround so you are covered. You are lead by the movement of the water and if it says stay or go. You obey because you know the maker of the eternal well and are reminded:

"The LORD will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones. You will be like a watered garden and like a spring whose waters never run dry."

This was inspired by a small line from a sermon by John Piper from 2002 the line reads " I tell people to stand under the waterfall of grace, and if it moves you follow it."

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Be Wild

Last night I was chatting with one of the girls on the team that is in our guesthouse this week. She was asking me a few questions- challenging questions the type of questions that if I'm honest I've been avoiding for some time. That's when it came, the particular question I've been asking myself for months "So what do you think you will be doing after this?"

"Woah," I thought, "I just met you.. Should I really share this with you?" However, something in my spirit told me to share so as I slowly answered and the words that were coming out of my mouth were surprising even to me. There mingled with the unknown the Lord was allowing me to have confidence in him and his plan beyond anything I could dream up or "figure out" before heading home, and that's the most comforting place I've been in a long time.

It's funny when we take our eyes off our "goals" and look at the Maker we can see from such a different perspective. My heart was so happy when she admonished the faith it took to not yet know but to follow, because something flowed from that as well something I haven't been able to place into words. I simply replied "that's the Life he calls us to, do we every truly know what's next anyway?"

The unknown, the road less traveled and I will gladly take it. I would much rather take the road that few have traveled down a narrow path and be guided by the good Shepard into the unknown with a future in the new Eden than a well marked path of control and worldly appeal that many have walked because that lover is so far less.

The lover of the world is far less wild.
That lover screams for attention in the worst ways-
In your Identity, sexuality, control, pride, and the list continues
That lover steals and will comfort you into believing YOU are at the center.
That lover will lie.

If a lover lies is it really a lover anyway?

My lover may leave me in a desert place for a season, but I know I am not alone.
My lover may give me trials but he will not let me face them without HIS strength.
My lover greets me with the most all enticing love song to worship him- and that I will do.

Why do we settle for lovers less wild? 
Because we know not of what wilderness symbolizes. We don't know the wild beauty.

I remember going to the zoo when I was in elementary school. The animals behind those bars were pathetic to me. Sure it was cool to see the lions and tigers and such but because they were trapped- they were no longer wild, striping them of most of their beauty. The animals are certainly still wild creatures however far less wild. It's in them to be wild but they can't live out their wildness without a wilderness to be lost in as a wild creature.

Oh how it's the same with our souls.
We are wild creatures craving wilderness, wide open spaces, change, transformation, progress, healing to be at our wildest. It's beyond our imagination to have a wild heart and have it be caged like the tiger at the zoo.

Sadly, many of us step into the cadge so willingly. Falling after lovers so less wild. We cage ourselves and a tragedy is on stage - the wild at heart lose their will to be wild because we are becoming tame to the world. We are being tamed by the promise of security in ourselves -Filled with our pride in ourselves- such as at a job that offers a lifestyle we always thought was the "goal." Somehow it doesn't fulfill though so we move on to the false wilderness of spirits and drink with friends to fill that wild aching inside of us, but that pushes us down too. When that doesn't work we simply sit in front of our screens... All of them Computer, TV, Iphone, Ipad, Kindle, and become tame as we play candy crush and think if we can just beat level 46 we would make it. Oh how easily we are tamed.

Like a tiger born in captivity, we are so unapt to walk in the wilderness because we have been fed and didn't need to hunt for our every meal. It was provided. We lost some of our innate aggression in our wild nature. Why search for something or use our wildness to fight for a meal when we know one is coming to the cage in it's timely routine everyday. We walk about our days in captivity and somehow think this life is the wilderness. We think we have been doing ourselves a favor and saving ourselves from dangers that come from living a wild life.

Our souls crave a wild love story to captivate our heart. One that we can turn over in our minds and never get tired of. That's the Gospel it holds our every wild desire within it. It's the story that when believed in a life- transforms every nook and cranny and lets the wild creature venture outside the cage for once because we are learning that the wilderness was made for us and our hearts for it. It's the daily reality of grace that keeps us running wild at the thought of a way out of the cage of captivity to sin for sinners. We were made to let the wild heart of God capture his creatures wandering hearts.

We were not created to be caged in our own "wilderness" and call it wild - having lovers and things of the world strip us of our wild nature. Slowly it happens, we lose the wild inside when we walk away from the one that wildly died for you. He came willingly to be placed in a culture not his own in order that we might know the Father. That's about as wild as I can imagine. That wild love held Jesus on the cross while he suffered so we might see of his love so fierce he can't be tamed or cadged by sparing his own son for you.

"Fixing our eyes on Jesus the founder and perfecter of Faith , For the Joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the Father" Hebrews 12:2

Oh that Lion, he will continue to roar and roam the very depths of your heart to capture it for his own. No wilderness is too wide that you cannot be touched by his loving call. 

I am reminded that we need wilderness seasons because it calls out the wild nature in us. It awakens some of the natural call of our wild Lover. Somehow we think it will be best to get out of the wilderness as fast as possible- get to dry land, to civilization, to simply "be okay" again. What is really beautiful to me is to be awakened to the reality that those wilderness seasons in our lives are calling us to a romance- one of sacred proportions.

It's a calling to wild hearts to be awakened and to trust the wild Love of a savior and rely on the instincts that the Holy spirit has placed inside this wild heart of ours. Following hard after the wild will- going places we never thought we would go, doing things so far from our imagination. None of that would be possible if we didn't have the wilderness. Many people question God in times of "lost wondering" in the desert of wilderness... I want to call you to look further. See his wild love is in search of not your comfort but rather in search of a wild and willing heart after his very will. Oh what beauty can be found even in our painful seasons if we remember God is at work on  a chase ahead of us in the wilderness to win over our hearts. So hold tight brothers and sisters when you face the unknown, the wide open spaces with no explanation, the wilderness is a call to the wild. It's a call to the wild at heart. It's a call to his very heart that he wants you to be able to run and be free. It's a call to wild lovers in a sacred romance.

I challenge you, In the wilderness... 

Be wild.

"A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God. "Let every valley be lifted up, And every mountain and hill be made low; And let the rough ground become a plain, And the rugged terrain a broad valley; Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, And all flesh will see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken." Isaiah 40"3-5

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Beautiful Suffering

Last year a good friend of mine was going though a really difficult struggle in her life. I sympathized with her heartache but simply didn't know how to comfort her other than pointing her back to Jesus- because he does a far better job being compassionate than I ever have or ever will. I do remember during my prayer time for her I asked the Lord to just give me a glimpse of her pain, her plight. I wanted to understand more fully because I cared for her enough to want to share in suffering with her just to be able to identify more with the nature of her heart.

That's the thing about Love- It's willing to suffer just to get closer to your heart. It's willing to want to go deeper in pain and suffer on behalf of relating to you. After all- that's what Jesus did, that's why he came. He came to suffer in hopes that we would see how his suffering related to our lives- that his sacrifice had everything to do with his Love and compassion but that's not the end of the story.
The suffering our savior encountered on that cross -ONCE AND FOR ALL- (Read that again) gave us power. His power, the same power that Raised Jesus from the dead now lives in us if we Trust Jesus with our lives.

 "I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms." Eph 1:19-20 

So if we have this power, how can we begin to understand how to use it... What to do with it? First the revelation of this power should not allow us to boast in ourselves rather in the giver of life. We must remember in his death and baptism we died with him, and in his resurrection we will rise with him in new life in his righteousness. ((Romans 6)) Now, no longer do our stains of sin seep though the surface because we have a robe of righteousness that covers and that robe is the Suffering of Christ. 

So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin. 1peter 4:1 

So it turns out not only do we have power over death, we have power over sin! The Lord has been gently reminding me of this fact lately. I know my life has been splattered with sin's signature stink and I continue to need an abundance of Grace which Jesus is so gracious to present to me, but it doesn't end there. His signature is one of grace and love beyond all compare - it cannot be revoked if our hearts are postured toward the son.

We are victorious over sin. That doesn't mean we won't ever sin rather it's our posture. We can claim victory over sin that has dragged us down into the pits more than once. The sins we hide and push away-- ashamed that an evil can exist as such in our hearts- so we "run" from God and "hide" our failings.

He gives us a way out, a way for sinners- A victory over those secret things- Over the failures that we can hardly verbalize. He has given us this because he loves us. He suffered so that we would have VICTORY over such things.

 "Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37 

This past week I was reminded about these secret things by our very own Moto driver here. He had been acting off lately so I pulled him over and asked (In broken Creole mind you) if he would share with me what was bothering him. He went on this whole long explanation about how everyone has secrets and that he simply could not share with me. I reminded him that even if he could not share those secret things with me he can share those things with Jesus because he already knows what's going on in his heart. I was praying he could understand how the victory of Jesus was meant to give us victory as well though the burden being poured out onto Jesus-- It's great news!

I've recently been faced with an Idol that I had NO idea that existed in my heart. I was so burdened that in the face of this sin I took it to the father and he called me to fast.... Only I failed. I heard the Lord say I was to fast and seek his face and starve the Idol in my heart but I turned again from his precious face and into the arms of the Idol I fed. Such heartache I encountered. I am grateful that he picks us up from our heartache and turns us to the father who says look to my son.

 "For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day." John 6:40 

That heartache was such as when I was suffering not long ago as a response to my prayer nearly a year earlier to experience some of my friends suffering. I realized amidst the trial that this struggle was to open my eyes and give me compassion not just for my friend but also for a sliver of the suffering encountered on the cross. It certainly doesn't compare, but remembering his suffering for my freedom and victory gave me hope that this desert would become an opportunity to share in Christ's death and resurrection. It's a strange thing to feel so convicted, lost, deserted then remember with great grace- this must have been the tip of the iceberg of what Christ felt for us all that day he was lead to Calvary. <He must increase I must decrease> As for my Idol, the battle isn't over I am afraid I will fight that until the day I meet the one who suffered on our behalf but I do have great confidence in his blood's power in my life as I claim victory over sin. All sin, "small sin" ugly sin, hidden sin, blatant sin, comforting sin, sins of omission, sins of commission, sins of old, any and all sin. I remember that sin does not have the final word. He already spoke those words....

                                 "It is FINISHED" John 19:29-30

Shameless PLUG: go see my new feed on Flickr for some recent  Daily Life photography work ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flaking Skin (Sin)

As I am sitting on my hard tile floor, I pick off the dead- sunburnt skin from my shoulder. I look on the ground and become increasingly disgusted by the sight of my brown sun drenched thirsty skin just sitting on my floor. I go get the broom and sweep it up for what seams like the 100th time this week.

This isn't my first sunburn. Growing up in Florida I'm pretty accustom to the fact that the sun's rays can do some serious damage and yet somehow I applied my sunscreen a little less than liberally on my last trip to the beach. I look at my speckled skin in the mirror, some fresh new pinkish white skin and other blotches of flaky dead and dying skin. It's amazing what our bodies were created to do. I was curious the amount of skin our bodies shed on their own with no sun exposure so I did some really legit research and google'd it. The results were pretty amazing- in just a single day our skin sheds about 14 million particles of skin so in just a year that makes about 1.5 pounds of skin. Yea, it's kinda gross but think about it for a second, we are constantly becoming new. Every Skin particle that falls from our bodies is replaced with new fresh skin underneath, it's incredible!!

I was thinking about how even simple functions of our bodies are are made for call us to look to the Lord with wonder and amazement. There is something deeper here. Even simply breathing is a miracle in itself- maybe it's because I'm not a medical person and don't understand all the inter-workings of our bodies but I think there is a greater reason for the unknown- for the mystery of life to send us in pursuit of the creator of life.

I was reading Romans 8 today and a this verse stood out "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin. He condemned sin in the flesh in order that the rigthetious requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." (Romans 8:3-4) 

Now remember my flaking skin? That burn that was so bad, the relief as it turns out, is loss of flesh. Isn't it so with sinfulness. The result of a big sin (or little for that matter), a heart that has deceived, a mind that has wandered, a flesh in pursuit of our own demise is always a loss. We must lose the flesh in order to gain newness. I don't think this verse will ever get old to me 2 cor 5:17 "Therefore If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has passed away, behold, the new has come"  because I need that new layer of skin each day. The layer of skin flaking off all my sinfulness so that I can walk according to the spirit. The reminder is simple, we must remember to look at our flesh to see the burn we are causing when we don't walk by the spirit as we should. Even when the skin hurts- like after a sunburn repentance is so much sweeter and we gain a new layer of skin to protect us. 

One called Grace. 

We all need this layer to not only continually protect us but also to point us back to something we cannot do for ourselves- cover our dying flesh in grace. We don't deserve new skin when we have been walking for so long in our flesh, refusing to flake off the pieces so dear to us. Idols can be clung to our skin like glue and we are deceived when we think that if we flake that little piece of skin (sin) off we will never have a covering there (better protect ourselves with death) so we hide our dying flesh away as it rots and we begin to smell.

Romans 8 also says "to set the mind on flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is LIFE AND PEACE."

Our flesh says- "look at me!! Even though my layers are weak and flimsy (I will pretend to be strong) I'm still more attractive than newness." Or even our self-denial saying "I still don't think it's time for us to part, I am still a part of you, you cannot escape me." Colossians puts it rather bluntly "Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry."  We must remember that the very flesh we are living in must be put to death in order to find newness of life. Take those scales of sinfulness and flake them off one by one in order to receive a newness of life, to walk in the Spirit covered by Grace.

"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." 2 Cor 7:10 also makes it plain that our burnt dying skin will only bring us what a dying thing can- death. 

The good news is we have an option and repentance is that option- we can be lead to salvation and the newness of our flesh in a Godly sorrow of the sinfulness. We must remember that repentance is a sweet thing, it's from the Lord, Leads to life, ends in Joy, looks to Jesus, is a blessing and Leads to new identity in Christ.  I say this and urge you to remember the very first chapter of Romans 8  "If you are in Christ there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus." Conviction and Condemnation are two very different things. Condemnation is from Satan, leads to despair and ends in sorrow, no wonder the liar wants to convince you that conviction brings you these things, but that is simply not true.

The funny thing about this sunburn also is that because I don't have a full length mirror I have no idea where I am pealing. In the places I can see  such as my arms, those places are rather easy to tear away the old skin and reveal the new, but I cannot see my back... I have no vision there. I need another person to point out, even help me flake off the useless dead skin in order to reveal the newness aching to come to the surface. It's the very same thing with our sin. I think many of us are too scared or grossed out by their own flesh to ask for help because if we can't see it, maybe it doesn't need to be bothered with...right?

The reality is the less we see the more we have need for vision, we need all the help we can get when it comes to the areas of sin we cannot see. That's when a sister points out your pride and you look at them like, NO I AM NOT BURNT THERE (ha, ha). Or when we Point to another persons pealing skin but miss altogether the flesh rotting on our own backs because we refuse to see. Don't let a lack of vision keep you from shedding that weight. Jesus wants to take it... all the dead,scaly and gross flesh. He wants it all, not just what we can see and that's why we need a community of sunburnt people to call out in a loving way where dying flesh needs to be removed so new flesh can take place. New flesh covered in Grace and filled with the Spirit!! Come Join me, sit in the sun and remember how we can protect ourselves from our own flesh by looking to the newness offered in Christ Jesus.

"Behold I am making all things new. Write this down for these words are trustworthy and true!" Rev. 21:5

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mountains and Valleys - Humbling Dependence

I wish I could dress up this blog post for you, make it both beautiful and inspiring but the truth is more than anything lately I have been humbled. I am in the middle of John Piper's book -Desiring God and a quote that called me to prayer this week was this "Prayer humbles us as needy and exalts God as wealthy." This is exactly why I am sharing these tough stories with you today, we are all in need of humility to boast even more loudly about our Gods wealth!  Being broken is humbling, needing two twelve year old boys to climb down a mountain and a good cry session to walk back up it is equally humbling. A friend recently told me that brokenness creates cracks in our lives  that are actually areas where we can let the Light of Jesus shine out of if we let him. Here is my attempt to let him shine though my rather gaping crack.

Before I begin I need to share a few stories in light of context... Bear with me.
When I was a sophomore in college I went though a very traumatic event which lead me to many anxieties thereafter. During this time I was accustom to many panic attacks. One night, nearly 4 months after the incident I went with friends to go play capture the flag. I was excited and running around with everyone when suddenly I was in full blown panic mode. What was most confusing and enraging about this specific attack is there wasn't even a feeling of fear that had taken over my thoughts- rather I had just gotten into the rhythm of breathing that my brain associated with a panic attack-- so I had one. I was beyond confused myself as my friends ran around trying to find me water and as another friend calmed me down. It was humbling to realize that even just the rhythm of breath could send me into full on attack mode so I since avoided running and many strenuous activities. Thankfully the Lord was gracious to me and this was simply a season in my life where the Lord defined what dependence on him looked like. He was teaching me that panic was no way to control any situation and rather clinging to him and his promises was the only way to cope.
"For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13

Less than 2 months after this event I was laying in an ambulance on my way to the hospital. I had been sick for a week at this point but even I was shocked when I realized how sick I really was. During my time at the hospital there was never a diagnosis, just a lot of tests and pain meds. On one particular night I was in so much pain that I cried out to the Lord. I told him that if he wanted me he could have me, that I would rather be w
ith him anyway. Being with him would far outweigh this life and I would happily meet him that day if he desired.Suddenly his still small voice spoke to me as clear as I have ever heard the Lord before. He said " I have plans for you, Amanda."  That was enough for me, if he had a purpose to keep me here I would endure today and this season for I know the Lord is faithful. He was, he always will be.
Three weeks later I was mostly recovered and was finally back at school learning what my limits where- learning how to say no, what I could and couldn't do on account of my health. To be honest I am still figuring that out. In the grand view of things its not about what I could or couldn't do but rather what the Lord was teaching me; to depend on him and I would not have to worry. Jesus teaches us this over and over again in our lives yet he is still willing to teach it again. We can depend on him- he knows our limits- he knows our hearts- we can depend on him always. And I know this because "My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:19

Fast forward to 2014, last week the group I live with went on an adventure to one of the most beautiful beaches in Haiti. I was a little anxious the night before because I heard how there was a 45 minute hike down to the beach and a hour or so hike back up to our car I was a little unsure I would make the trek but I could not miss this opportunity. Before we made our assent I prayed that the Lord would provide help and give me safety in his arms, no matter what happens. As we were beginning to make our assent we saw the most magnificent view and I took out my camera to capture it. There were two boys watching our group as we passed and were paying particular attention to my camera. Often children here haven't ever seen a photo of themselves so I asked if they would like me to take their photo. They both said yes in a very excited manner. I quickly snapped their photo, showed it to them and was on my way. Very soon after the road became a  foot path and was increasingly steep so much so that I was calculating each step.  

Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure Proverbs 4:26

It seamed my friends were already well on their way so I was trying to catch up to them when I suddenly fell. I twisted my knee and scraped it on the rocks. I let out a startled scream and my team yelled to see if I was okay. I wasn't  actually sure but said Yes and to go on without me. Little had I known the boys I took a photo of where right behind me. They helped me up and brushed me off. They pointed to my bleeding knee and said "blese" which is the verb to cut in Creole. I thought about how cool that actually sounds that something as not fun as a cut can sound like a blessing, and it was. That cut was a blessed opportunity to be increasingly humbled.

I was shaken up a bit and since the path was still very steep for me the two boys helped me down. They held my hand and made sure I had sure footing. At one point I realized I was still shaking but I was so thankful to have these sweet boys be my guides. Just as we were about to reach the beach I remembered a book I had read aloud in the car on the way to Colorado with two of my best friends. The book is called hinds feet on high places. I was reminded of this book because in it the main character- much afraid (whom now in retrospect was certainly acting like) was lead on the steep and torturous path to the sheppard which was God character. She had two guides and their names were Sorrow and Suffering. I chuckled as I remembered this and thank the Lord for my version of sorrow and suffering to cling to on this ascent down the mountain.  God was faithful in getting me to his most beautiful creation and I was certainly thankful, certainly humbled, yes mostly humbled.

We had a good day at the beach, I played with local beach children, searched for quite a loot of sea glass, and got to lay in the sun admiring all the Lord created. It was rather glorious and nearly surreal and then I remembered sorrow and suffering and the hike up the mountain I soon faced. I began getting anxious because I wouldn't have my guides this time- I was probably still going to be far behind the group and I doubted I could actually make it up the mountain. We started the climb and at first I was doing fine- I had to fight to keep up with everyone but I was building my pride no matter how much it hurt. Then I reached a point where I simply could not keep up the pace with everyone anymore. Still despite my better judgment and knowledge of my limits, I was pushing harder than ever before just to keep up. What pride. UGH. Pride is so ugly, and even uglier when you were literally just humbled on the path down. How quickly pride forgets humility, or maybe that's what fuels it? Every time we are humbled we are given a choice to accept the humility or let it fuel our pride to never be humbled again. Then it all went downhill. I couldn't keep up, and I was mad- there were so many things I wanted. I wanted to be able to enjoy this hike like everyone else and not struggle. I wanted to breathe normally and not think I was going to throw up every two seconds.  I wanted so badly my health to not hinder me anymore but mostly I wanted to be in control. I was breathing rather rapidly then suddenly I was in panic state then like a stinkin baby I burst into tears. 


I am not in control and I never will be. If its on my own accord I can do nothing. I must rely on him for my health and everything else. It was silly, but I knew the Lord wanted me to see more. He wanted me to see sorrow and suffering firsthand. He wanted me to again learn the lesson to depend on him and he has all things working together for my good and his glory. I am thankful for the Lords favor in that moment. Dan had stayed back with me as we climbed and witnessed me burst into tears. As the father he is, he was tender and loving. He didn't rush me or make fun of my emotions, although he did crack a joke about needing to keep all the water I had inside my body and I actually did chuckle at that one. The Lord spoke though Dan as he comforted and coached me up that mountain. Reminding me that it wasn't a sprint, it was a marathon. So is life. 

Dependence is not simply a lesson we learn once and move on, I feel it's a lesson we learn and re-learn though seasons of life. Because it takes a lot to break though our pride and desire for control, still God is faithful even if he presents sorrow and suffering as companions. Through anxiety and panic attacks I learned to be dependent on the lord. Though illness and a life that is lead with the prospect of being right back in the same hospital room builds dependence on the Lords favor- especially living in a third world country. It's important to remember for my own sanity that nothing that has happened to me in my life is outside the scope of God. He knows what I experienced that brought on such trauma, he knows how my head spun as I sat in a hospital waiting for answers that never came. He also knows my heart when I climb a mountain and cares deeply that I learn to depend on him. Never once was any of that outside of his control because he is sovereign. If nothing else he is showing me that dependence is an action. He is showing me that despite what the world says to become independent my only real saving grace is dependence on the one who lavishes unmerited grace. How blessed are we. Even when sorrow and suffering are our guide that we have a peace that surpasses all understanding because we have the peacekeeper as a guide.

"My spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name." Luke 1:47-49